Thursday, July 5, 2012

sleepy 5th


Stupid late night holiday falling in the middle of the week. This is not a way to celebrate independence.

The boys did it! We managed to finish a 5K. This may not seem like much when they have ridden 12 mile bike rides with us, but it is amazing how pissy a 5 year old can get when they are just walking to walk instead of having a destination.

We got down to the starting line early. We ended up being up towards the front, and even jogged the first little bit. I held Bobby’s hand, Ken held Dax’s, so that in the sea of runners no one would get trampled. Sadly, Dax did trip early on. Ken was able to get him up quickly, but of course the damage had been done and he was pretty upset. We pushed on, not letting his sadness and irritation stop us. We even kept jogging at this point.

We slowed to a quick walk and continued on the path. Dax walked with me a bit, and was pretty annoyed about this whole thing. He didn’t understand why we were walking a 5K, and he certainly didn’t understand why we were torturing him.

Bobby was much more comical in his distain. At one point he noted people watching us on the sidelines and he commented about how they were lucky people. He elaborated by saying how he was not so lucky since he was walking this race. LOL!

Ken was brilliant in how he got Dax to complete the last mile. He talked him through it by pointing out familiar distance markers. He compared our route to that of walking to the school and back. He then painted this mental image for Dax of where they would be on that route. He even did things like have him count how many grapefruits they would pick or how many ducks were by the bridge. Bobby and I listened while in front of them and enjoyed it quite a bit.

We jogged the same last bit that we jogged in the beginning. Dax cried that whole time, looking very defeated. People cheered him on, which was very cool. We crossed the finish line at 51 minutes. Not bad! Looking at the rankings, too, Dax is the first 5 year old to cross the finish line. Granted, there were not a lot of 5 year olds. The next one finished about 7 minutes later. LOL! There were several 7 and 8 year olds finishing before Bobby, and way before us. LOL! It was still fun.

The aftermath was less fanfare than the Super Bowl Sunday 5K. There were not gobs of freebies or anything like that. Dax got an apple and we grabbed a couple of the bagel bites, but really, once the race was done, we were done.

We went to breakfast, which was a nice way to finish up the morning.

Much of the day was spent relaxing at home. We watched the remaining episodes of Korra and watched the kittens play quite a bit. Man it is fun having a couple of kitty youngsters in the house.

We went back down to Redondo Beach at around 4:30 to wait for the fireworks with my folks. It was a nice afternoon. No real drama and aside from the evil July bugs (my dad pointed out it was no longer June so they couldn’t be June bugs) and killer moths, it was a really nice 4th.

Needless to say, I am sleepy this morning. We got home relatively late being that I had to still get up to work this morning. It isn’t so bad, really. I have had several mugs of tea this morning which have been happy making. I also have been rockin the thigh master moves at high rates of speed all morning, so I am hoping that this is helping in my tone.

When I get home I plan on prepping the playroom for Daniel’s arrival. I think I may remove a box of toys that they boys play with a lot and put them in the playroom for the duration of his stay so that they don’t have to go in there much. Granted, I will have to go in there daily for my closet, so it might not be that bad.

I think I need more tea.

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