Friday, July 13, 2012

long day of activity


I’m up!

Mind you, it wasn’t easy. It was one of those long days. Not a bad day, just had a lot of activity in it. Work was, well, work. It went quicker than I had anticipated, but it still was a day. Today looks to be a similar style of day. The only aspect that I look forward to is the workout.

I am going to have to be careful on the workout, though. I noticed my ankle is a bit sore. Nothing serious, just a tiny sprain, but enough I will pay attention. It must have hurt last night since I had a dream at one point in which I was at the hospital for an unrelated injury and the doc ran up to me with panic telling me that I should have been in a cast for my foot and ankle for the past 2 years. She said something about a mutant bone spur that was eating my foot. It’s a shame I don’t see myself as a horror writer.

Stephanie called me at about 2 to get a rescue. Her car decided to stop functioning on her way to me. Luckily she wasn’t too far, so I jetted down there. Her car had stalled out in the left hand turn lane into a small shopping center. Not too bad, once again, considering it wasn’t a crucial place for vehicles. Just as Dave was arriving, a super nice CHP officer offered to help push the car. Dave ended up doing the pushing, fearful that the cop car would damage the bumper too much. But with the help of flashing lights and Dave doing his best Hulk impersonation, the car was pushed out of the way of traffic.

Luckily it was chargeable at least to get it to my house, which is where it sits now. We did the whole convoy to the house, making sure that if another stall occurred we could help. It is good we could get it to the house just in the idea that it was somewhat questionable to leave it in a retail parking lot. Plus, it is in the driveway now, so no parking tickets. Yay!

From the house, Stephanie and I headed out to a Target outing. It was incredibly successful! I found a cute shirt on sale for $6 in clearance, and I picked up my first official pair of incredibly comfy yoga style pants. Woo! Stephanie managed to find a super cute cotton dress that was even better when coupled with the coupons I had printed out yesterday. Target has coupons online that you can print, and I found one for $3 off certain brands of clothing! YAY!

Last night was also the AYSO meeting. It was a long one, starting at 6:30 and going till after 9. Granted, there was a lot of cover, what with multiple staff changes and the start of the season only a month and a half away. Registration’s last live event is tomorrow, and will probably be quiet overall. There are only about 100 people in the computer who have gone through the steps to sign up. It only goes to noon, and now that I have an awesome system in place, it will be once again easy to the point of me being able to make the deposit on the way home.

What that leaves us with is a weekend in which we should find some way to entertain our houseguest! There is talk of seeing a movie. Not sure the plan as of yet, but I hope we find something.

The one nice thing about going to sleep last night was the pitter patter sounds of rain drops outside. It was surreal, but wonderful.

The tea is starting to kick in. Thank goodness!

I didn’t get to spend but all of 15 minutes with the boys yesterday. This bums me out, so thankfully today I am heading to the school after work to pick them up. I am hoping Ken gets to go over and watch their basketball class today, also. I want video. Apparently, the basketball coach is uber impressed with Dax’s abilities and said he is simply amazing. He gets rebounds, runs up and down the court like a mad man and just rocks it. Bobby is still my Ferdinand, but is completely content to be so. This makes me just as happy! I like that Bobby is comfortable not feeling like he has to compete with other kids.

A to do list is in order for Ireland. Last night we started going over what needed to be done over the next 2 weeks and it was keeping me up significantly later than I wanted to be up. Yie! Packing for our trip, packing for the boys, getting the house in order to leave the critters, and getting instructions together for Katie who is housesitting. It will all be fine, but with next week being Star Wars week, Ken and crew will be home late each night. It is ok, as I tend to work well under pressure and without the need for help. Knowing me, I will have the packing all done by this time next week.

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