Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Tooth Pain sucks


Stupid tooth hurts.

I am starting my journal incredibly late this morning. I was typing up all of the handwritten registration sheets so that our new registrar could actually read what was on there. Plus, it makes searches much easier when I need to look something up. I also noted a lot of incorrect data in the online database, which means our new registrar has his hands full. I figured this would be a good trend to have everything typed up as opposed to handwritten.

My tooth is screaming at me. I got some breakfast stuck between the temporary crown and a regular tooth, and when I dislodged it, I also managed to release the epic pain I am in now. I suppose this is just a short term issue, but I can assure you it isn’t fun. My permanent crown goes in on the 23rd.

Yesterday I ended up going to pick up the boys. Ken had asked the boys if they wanted to have me get them. Dax said yes. I got there and he looked very confused at my purpose for being there. Sigh. Neither of the boys wanted to leave. Dax finally decided to go, so at least my trip wasn’t wasted. He and I ended up hitting up the MB Target and then headed home where he played on the iPad while I worked on cleaning house.

Today I am not making the same mistake. I am not going to the school, nor do they have the option unless they ask for it without prompting. I have errands to do this afternoon, anyway. I need to ride up to the bank to get statements for the AYSO meeting tomorrow night. I also need to go up to Sally’s. I may ride to both locations. It will be a lot of riding, but totally doable. Plus, I have gobs of time this afternoon, so I might as well use it wisely.

These days are long. The boys get home late, and we end up eating later than normal. Keeping a 7 o’clock bedtime isn’t possible. This kind of sucks since it means I don’t get to go to bed until after them. It isn’t so bad, but I just want to make sure they get enough sleep. Luckily it is only for a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things, so they should be fine.

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