Monday, July 16, 2012



Stupid sinus issues.

I must have gotten into something last night as I became all kinds of stuffy and sneezy. I am still dealing with the effects a bit, but more than anything, it just has my nose angry with me. It probably doesn’t help that this afternoon my intentions are to do some serious cleaning of the house, therefore putting me in contact with even more dust and debris. I may need to wear some kind of bandanna over my face.

Registration brought out an ugly side of me. I kept it in check, but Ken said he could practically hear my low growl from across the room. There were some recent board changes that kicked up a bit of tension. We have a new RC and with this change brought back two prior members of the AYSO family. These are people that quit last year due to some disputes with the RC at that time. Since the RC has moved on, the new RC called them back. They have been with the region for 9 years and are well respected and liked. They know their shit.

I had always thought this one chick was the old treasurer. I remember speaking to her at length at the parents meeting before last season and we discussed things like the Treasurer position. I had assumed it was her, especially since she is the person who stopped showing up to board meetings.

So when she waltz into the multi-purpose room, I was freaked out. Sure, I have made it clear that I don’t want to be treasurer, but my reaction was that of being replaced by the old chick. Not that this would have been a big deal had it not been in my eyes the chick who effectively moved around money in such a way that audits show $26K being poorly used. How dare they replace me with someone who fucked up that hard. Especially since I have made things gobs better already.

It didn’t help that she was not exactly friendly towards me. She is a strong woman with an arrogant way about her. This was her turf and she made it well known. I was intimidated. I shrunk down into my corner and cowered a bit. What I couldn’t understand was why she was so friendly with our new registrar, one of the people who came back. He seems awesome and I have had to work with him extensively being that I have better records of the checks received for signups. He seemed impressed with my spreadsheets and also seemed to appreciate my attention to detail.

She finally came up and introduced herself. I had been incorrect in who she was. She was actually the wife of the registrar. And she is the chick who had been registrar for years and years before she ended up stepping down, for what the minutes of the meeting say was for other reasons (yeah, I did some research this morning).

She questioned me and seemed to scrutinize my spreadsheets a bit. She seemed a combo of impressed and critical of everything. It was tough for someone as paranoid as I can be.

I am guessing most of this was in my head. I just felt so out of place in so many ways. So I basically kept my head down and busted my ass on the checks coming in. I didn’t talk much. Even a couple of the people there mentioned that I was uncharacteristically quiet. But I was able to play it off as being busy and taking care of the kids.

Then came my time to shine. They were still cleaning up and I was closing my briefcase when the registrar exclaimed, “wow! That was fast!” I assumed he meant that he was impressed that I was closing up shop because I had balanced. In fact, he was impressed that on his email he received on his phone was showing that I had also already emailed him and the RC the spreadsheet of players for the day, along with all of the prior event data on one sheet, all before we had even eaten lunch. You could actually hear how impressed everyone was. I felt good.

I had corrected her on my name once and every time she addressed me by name, you could see she was struggling. Yet she also wanted to make it clear in a way that she would never remember my name. Look, I know I may be reading into it, but I left that day ready to be done with her.

Sunday morning was significantly more fun than Saturday. We went out to see The Amazing Spiderman with Daniel and the boys. It is a good time in parenthood when the kids are able to sit through an entire flick on the big screen. Although it doesn’t mean I will catch up on some of the more grown up titles, I will most likely be able to see more of the family friendly flicks that are dominating the theatres these days.

The movie was fantastic. I was really impressed. It was not better than The Avengers, but I have a feeling not many will be. I had seen the original Spiderman franchise and was not impressed at all. Of course, it doesn’t help that I saw the first one while I was shit faced at 11 am.

This one had a great cast. I was super impressed with the story line and I was moved many times. It had great comedy along with fun action. The boys were glued to the screen. Dax doesn’t tend to get nearly as involved with movies, but these comic book flicks seem to have his number. I was a little worried that he would be freaked out at some of the bad guy action, but he seemed fine. I was shocked that he even left on his 3D glasses the whole time. He hates those things (as do I).

I was able to resist the urge to pop into the shops at the mall a mere 100 feet from me. I had 4 boys with me, so it is probably for the best. We instead headed home where we all just hung out. The boys swam, which was great since it was gorgeous out. I made numtastic BBQ chicken sandwiches for dinner and we watched Despicable Me. The kittens should have probably been bonding with the boys, but they are two bouncy for that. Instead, they used Daniel and me as their pillows.

This is one of those weeks in which I am by myself from 1:30 to 5:30 each afternoon. I am planning on getting ready for the trip with this time. I have things like laundry to attend to, and some serious scrubbing so my house is ok for house sitters.

I also need to prep the back yard. During our time in Ireland, we are putting the PT in the back driveway. This way we don’t leave any cars on the street lest we get parking tickets galore. This means that there is still a bit more that needs clearing on that back driveway.

I also would like it cleared some more because the boys would really like a basketball hoop. I would love to set that up for them. I figure I can get one of those portable ones as opposed to the ones you put on the garage. But maybe that would be better. We shall see.

I feel a little bad that we are not particularly entertaining for our guest. I suppose the good thing is that he truly is content to just sit around the house. I think at some point this coming weekend we will be going to the piercing place as he is interested in getting his ears done. I can also price out nose piercing. Actually, the fact that I knew a good place was one of those happy moments because he really perked up. I was happy! So that will be an outing some time next Saturday I think. Yay!

For now, I suppose I should find something productive to do. I am at work, after all.

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