Wednesday, November 7, 2012

4 more years

Congratulations Mr. Obama. I am hoping that your socially liberal tendencies are for reals and that we truly are moving forward as a country. We need equality for marriage more than anything you could possibly do for the economy. Until you recognize all of the people as the same, we lose not only as a country, but as a species.
I am also impressed with the legalization of marijuana in a handful of states. It is about fucking time. I wish California would take note and use pot as a magnificent way to dig ourselves out of this financial hole we are in. It is clear to me that we are not going to do anything about illegal immigration and to some degree, my views on that may be outdated. It makes more sense in general to move forward and do what we can to raise funds by using something that is going to be here and isn’t going anywhere with any kind of federal raid or crackdown that is thrown at them. We are California! Why is it that neither pot nor marriage equality are things that we can boast?
I am not patriotic since in many ways I feel that the country is too divided to support 100%. I can’t chant America when there are still assholes that use the very same flag to criticize a choice in president or to make excuses as to why we should continue to make life more difficult for the LGBT community. Tweets a plenty were posted with RIP America. Are you fucking kidding me?
I didn’t dislike Romney. In fact, I agreed with a lot of his financial standpoints. But in my heart, I know that social issues are more important than anything else. We are not the land of the free when my brother and law and his husband couldn’t get married today in most states in this union.
So I take this election as a good step forward, fearful of what will happen in 4 more years when we shift again to the conservative side as we always seem to after a long time in a liberal climate. I just hope that more people learn over this time.
I am done with my political rant for the morning.
Now my thoughts turn to Dax who is continuing to misbehave in class. He flicked a pencil at someone yesterday. It is a friend of his, and it was probably not in malice, but it is still bad. Dax and his little friend, Madison, are both feeding off each other’s negative energy and because of it are not paying enough attention in class. Dax is doing fantastic academically. This is what makes it especially trying since it isn’t like you could say this behavior is bringing down his grades. Right now, he just seems, well, down on himself. Every night he doesn’t want to go to school in the morning, convinced that his name will be flipped or that he will be benched at recess for his outbursts. It is a similar attitude at soccer when he is convinced he will do poorly or thinks himself a failure when he doesn’t do well in a drill or is perhaps pulled for a quarter. He is one of the best on the team, yet he doesn’t get it.
I worry as I don’t know how to help encourage him anymore than I already have. I don’t know where his failure thoughts come from aside from just that evil demon that I know resides in me, too. Sometimes the demon doesn’t make sense. The demon is hard enough to deal with when you are 37, so I can’t even begin to imagine how to cope when you are only 6.
So I am stuck with trying to do some research to figure out how to help him through this difficult time. When he is happy, he is super happy, which all points to him being pretty damn typical for his age, but this doesn’t make me feel any better.
After a hint of research this morning, I am not surprised to see that he could be everything from dealing with anxiety to well, just being 6 years old. Sigh. I worry a bit more since I know that there could be a possibility of something just in the idea that his two uncles have issues. Matt with his autism and Doug with his bi-polar issues make it possible that Dax could be susceptible to something. I honestly don’t think there is an issue, but it is something that the hypochondriac side of me gets all crazy about. I guess that is why I myself am on anxiety meds.
For now, I need to calm myself down. Thinking about it, I have been more grouchy lately due to my own stress levels and it is extremely possible he is feeding off of that. I may need to calm the fuck down and hopefully rub off on him.
Lucy and Monarch got out last night through the mail slot. It isn’t too big a deal since Monarch can handle himself just fine out there, and Lucy always comes to me when I go out to retrieve her. Last night was interesting, though, since it put Lucy more in the front of the house instead of the side where she normally goes. Plus, it was nighttime. This meant the grouchy cat from down the street was out, and he looked ready to kick the shit out of Lucy. I actually watched Monarch not only try to steer Lucy away from the mean cat, he even looked like he was protecting her by lunging at the other cat when he tried to pounce on Lucy. It was kind of cool to see Monarch being all sweet. Granted, he may just think of Lucy as his property and feels that only he is allowed to beat up on her. I don’t think this is the only thing going on, though. I have seen Monarch playing with both kittens. I think he has a fondness for orange kitties, what with his close relationship with Tonks. LOL!
I forgot about my adorable little Skeleanimals earrings. I am wearing Kit today. Yay!
I love my boots.
I really want chocolate brown hair.
I want to jog tonight.
Sorry, these were all random thoughts that are in my head struggling to get out what with all of my other long winded rants taking precedent.
I have said for some time now that I don’t feel like spelling tests are crucial for kids. I was wrong. Being able to spell big words are not as important, what with things like spell check. But now that I have to spell, out loud, a shit ton of words every afternoon, I see how spelling bees truly did help in what I need to use in life.
Facebook should be entertaining this morning, what with one half of them happy and possibly still drunk from celebrating, and the other half unhappy and possibly still drunk from lamenting. 

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