Wednesday, November 21, 2012

One day before my holiday!


I so very badly want to go see Life of Pi.

Another fab day in the house of Brenan. I got home where the boys were quietly doing their homework. They were happy to see me and I helped them through a bit more of the homework before I sent them on their way to play.

I decided to do my walk earlier than planned, what with Ken being home and the boys content running around play killing with their friends. Luna and I set out on our familiar old path. It was nice to get out and do walking outside as opposed to using the treadmill. As much as I am ok with the machine, especially considering how much tv I have caught up on, it will never compare to the feel of the air cooling your sweat or being able to smile at random neighbors.

The last leg of my journey takes me up and around the school. I decided to push myself and at the top of Halldale at the school entrance, Luna and I started into a jog. We jogged all the way home, which is about a half a mile. It was freaking awesome!!! I know, it isn’t a long run, but every little extra run helps. I am signing up for the Super Bowl Sunday 5K again, and maybe this year I can run some of it!!

I did a shit ton of AYSO stuff last night. Ok, maybe it wasn’t that much, but it felt like it. Just some confusion in a couple of sponsorship checks and what was going where. I also had to correct an outbound check at the last minute, but over all, it wasn’t too bad. I am glad I am organized. I just wish I was better at small talk. One of the board members was over, and he is super nice, but I feel like he is expecting more conversation then I have to give.

I painted my nails last night. Nothing too fancy, but enough that I will be less inclined to peel all the skin off my fingers as I am so prone to doing. Ken suggested that I need to wear latex gloves for 21 days, as that will still allow me to type and it should be enough time to break the habit. Sure, this may work, but I am sure to pick up a different nervous tick and let’s face it, latex gloves are ugly! I suggested perhaps I could go on Etsy and pick up some cute lace gloves, which at least would satisfy the fashion issue. Either way, I need to do something as it isn’t good to keep destroying my fingers.

I think my plan is to jet over to Bath and Body Works after work and see about getting one of their uber lotions I used to get. My hands seem much more dry lately, so if I keep them moisturized, I may pick less. Plus, there is less to pick.

Maybe my afternoon exercise will be to ride my bike to the mall. That way I don’t waste time and I can shop and exercise at the same time!

I might also, since I am going to be there, stop in and check out the bargain bra rack again and see if I can find another kick ass boulder holder.

We leave tomorrow morning at about 6:30. It will be awesome! I am really looking forward to this. I know how much the boys loved their time at Legoland. I know how much I enjoyed being at Legoland with dreams of having my own kids there. Now I get to go with them and we can just have a wonderful outing. YAY!

I am going to make a turkey probably on Saturday. I still had one from last year that we bought for 75% off (seriously, this turkey was $20 and I got it for $5!!!!). Thankfully the expiration date says Dec 31st 2012. So I will prep that since for one, it needs to be cooked sooner than later. Two, Bobby really was looking forward to turkey, so I don’t mind.

I have a child neighbor today! Cool! Jean’s son is in the office this morning since they live so far away and she is taking him to a doctor apt this morning. He looks tired. He is I think 10 now. Fun!

Ok, time to work. Happy Thanksgiving, all!

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