Friday, November 9, 2012



I feel better today.

I am tired, though. I didn’t get good sleep last night at all. I fell asleep ok at first, but woke up when Ken came to bed at like midnight and couldn’t get comfortable. Then for like 2 hours I just was wide awake. It was annoying. The littlest sounds woke me. Luna also needed to pee once, which wasn’t normal for evening time. It was an odd night.

My lower back is still sore, too, which is getting downright annoying. It hurts, mostly since I am sitting too long in a shitty chair at work.

I got my new keyboard, so I am quite pleased to be typing on my ergonomic board as opposed to this piddly ass one I had been using. Yay!

I made an appointment for Bobby at the optometrist. I guess the school gave him an eye exam. Not sure why, but either way, they said he should get checked out. Yay vision insurance! Luckily I found an optometrist that is in Old Torrance so we should be able to ride there right after school on his appointment day. I am hoping we like them since the plan is also to get all of us checked out, too.

Mr. Williams moved Dax’s seat, so hopefully that helps him. He was good yesterday and was even able to get something from his treasure box. In fact, the art teacher who comes in once a week chose Dax to be the one to draw a cool picture of. Dax is currently in the process of coloring it in, which I will be sure to take a picture of when he is done. I have it up on the living room wall and he is coloring it there. He is really taking is time and making it quite nice. I am impressed. Perhaps we have found some things to inspire my kid to be better.

I look frumpy today, which makes me upset. I wore kind of baggy jeans and a baggy shirt, mostly because I was going for warm and cozy. Sadly, I think it is a bad look. Hopefully it will simply inspire me to walk longer on the treadmill today. I started watching Mean Girls yesterday, which was nice as it was easier to not clock watch. So today I can watch another chunk of it.

The boys get Monday off and they have minimum days Wednesday through Friday. So not fair! Although, really, I get a minimum day on Wednesday and Thursday since I have to pick them up. LOL! Thursday is Bobby’s parent/teacher conference. Luckily it is right at 12:30 so we don’t have to come back. I am crossing my fingers it is good!

I made soup yesterday. Ken had gone out and picked up bouillon for me (and spaghetti noodles since he knew I needed both to make some kind of dinner) so I opted to make soup. It is one of those wonderful comfort foods that makes the whole house happy. We also watched old school Sesame Street. OMG, it was awesome. Netflix put up what they called “classic” episodes. Some were as old as 1974. I picked two from mid 80’s. I loved seeing the Sesame Street I enjoyed as a kid, and I loved that the boys seemed almost as enthralled.

I take the boys to my folks this afternoon and then after that I think we will pick up Ken and possibly go to Lucky Dog Café for dinner.

I am considering having a date day with Bobby when Life of Pi comes out. I am anxiously awaiting its release and I think that Bobby will love it. I know Ken wants to see it, too, but I don’t know that Dax will care as much. So I think it might be a fun outing with he and I.

I just found a free copy of the book online. I think I need to read it again.

I am loving this rain and gloom outside. It makes me happy to have a corner “office” with lots of windows. It means I can see the wind and clouds and feel all happy. I even have my fans on so I feel nice and cold like it is outside.

Sigh, let’s get this day started. Way too much work sitting in front of me to ignore it any longer.

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