Thursday, November 1, 2012

The aftermath

Last day this week of full on crazy day.
Pop quiz, when you see this picture do you think I was dressed as:

A)     Mother Nature
B)      Octomom
C)      Doctor Doolittle
D)     The Female Version of Cruella DeVille

Yeah, these were all things my co-workers thought I was. Sigh.

To further point out how retarded my fellow employees are, most of the kids at Halldale knew what I was when I walked on campus.

Trick or Treating was fun. The kids got a decent, but not crazy haul. We all went back to the house where Bobby, Dax and Sabrina handed out candy. We ordered pizza and all chilled. It was good. A little hectic in terms of making sure the kids, specifically Dax, who were tired, were fed and happy. All in all, a good year. I have lots of pics from last night, but it was well after 9 when we were done so I opted to crawl into my happy making bed.

Aside from a stupid cold sore, I am doing relatively well this morning. My side doesn’t hurt as much so I will take that as a good sign that I am healing from exercise injuries quicker than I used to. I am looking forward to a vigorous walk this morning on the treadmill.

I have the AYSO meeting tonight, which will be slightly stressful if only because I have a lot of talking to do. I did some comparisons on the budget and our actual YTD and even though I am pretty confident in what I found, I am still nervous about answering questions that people may have. That being said, tonight looks to be less stuffy if only for the fact that there is to be food, so that tends to lighten the mood considerably.

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