Friday, November 16, 2012



Dark chocolate brown. I am a happy girl.

Bobby’s parent teacher conference went well. His writing still needs a lot of work. It is messy and he gets very lazy with looking up words for spelling. Half the time, they will be writing a summary of a story right in front of them and he has the word there, yet he will not bother to look and will end up writing it wrong. However, looking at it, he has a lot of imagination and when he is free writing, he does a much better job. They had an assignment that took a week or so what with rough drafts and brain storming in which they had to write about something traumatic that happened. Bobby proceeded to write about the time Woody was lost in Target. It was an incredibly detailed and funny recounting of a bad night for us. His printing was still out of control, but the content was significantly better.

His math skills are quite good and his total percentage seems to be in the mid to high 80’s, so he is doing well. If you look at it compared to the rest of the class, he was number 4 in a class of 22, so this is good. I am proud of him. I need to get him to buckle down on the printing.

The one thing she mentioned is really my biggest complaint about him. He isn’t organized, and he tends to over react when something goes wrong. He has left his lunch pail out on the playground several times, and when he realizes this, he breaks down and is in a panic. One time, he didn’t have a pencil and he flipped out in class, despite there being a box of pencils for everyone to go get one. Luckily, one of the kids in the class yelled out to him before the teacher even had a chance to speak up. He yelled, “Just go get one!” I like that his peers were correcting him since I think that will be more helpful overall.

He is still well liked and Ms. Jenkins speaks of him fondly. When I look at the work from all the other students there, he seems to be doing just fine. He isn’t falling behind and if anything, he is doing better than most. All in all, it was a good report.

While doing the conference we actually had the boys ride their bikes home. Yes, we let the boys go home by themselves. They did good. Their plan was to play their ipods. Sadly, they were not charged, so the boys were quite upset when we got home. Apparently the Wi Remote was also not charged so they couldn’t watch Netflix. It frazzled them a bit, but they were ok.

We got homework done and I even had them clean the playroom. I know, a glutton for punishment, but I was getting tired of tripping over toys.

Today I am working my full day. If I am so inspired, I could also work OT, but we all know that is a not so much. Ken is picking up the boys at noon thirty so I don’t need to worry about them until they all get home from his class at like 3.

I am ready for a weekend.

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