Tuesday, July 16, 2013

carpet monster


Carpet monster 0: Gena 1

Pulling up carpet isn’t the hard part. Disposing of the body is. I don’t know why they always portray mobsters rolling up a body into a carpet roll. That is a bitch to move!

I managed to remove the carpet, the incredibly gross padding, and even the carpet boards. I was not graceful while dragging the pile of carpeting through the house, but I didn’t give up and managed to get it outside. Ken had given me a tool to use to cut it into pieces. Said tool was a piece of shit. The only thing that ended up in pieces was the tool.

The kittens had a great deal of fun with the mound of used carpet. They swirled around in at great speeds, attacking it from all angles before settling in on top of it in victory.

In true Gena fashion, I did manage an injury. In atypical fashion, it was only a minor one. I was using the wonderbar with the hammer to remove boards and I missed. I pinched part of my hand between the wonderbar and hammer which has left a small mark and lots of pain. Luckily it isn’t in any spot that is causing difficulty this morning.

It is actually a shame we need to cover the wood. It is not horrid underneath. However, due to us making this into a rental, it would be best to just go with carpet all over.

After I managed to clean up my mess, I sat down with a glass of wine and thought I would watch some crappy chick flick. I chose 13 going on 30. I figured it couldn’t be too bad what with it staring Mark Ruffalo.
I was super intrigued at first, especially when the main character, played by Jennifer Garner, was named Gena. Her younger self was getting a school picture taken when the photographer called her Gina, to which she harshly corrected him indicating it was in fact, Gena. I was excited. I had no idea how it was spelled, but I loved that I might have some kinship with this fictional character, which always makes for a better movie watching experience. I come to find out her name is Jenna. Are you fucking kidding me? Who calls someone Gina with the spelling like that???? Strike one.

Her childhood best friend, and then the guy she hunts down (spoiler alert) when she turns into 30 overnight who ends up being her soul mate is Mark Ruffalo. He is adorable and awkward and cute. The problem is that Jenna’s man is named, wait for it, Matt. Yeah, I can’t exactly get all warm and fuzzy about characters that have a romance and share names with me and my brother. Strike two.

In all fairness, there has not been a strike three yet. I also have another 25 minutes left on the flick since my housemates arrived home during my viewing. I will probably finish is out this afternoon. I am betting the movie will only serve to annoy me further with something else that takes you right out of the flick.

We happened across a yard sale on Saturday that had a bunch of new blinds for sale. She sold us the lot of about 7 for $5 total. We were pretty excited since we needed to get blinds for the Halldale house and this was way cheaper. Some of them will fit across, however all of them are too short. We ended up ordering one from Lowe’s that was the same and Ken is just modifying the ones we bought by using one as a parts factory and making each of them longer. He finished one last night and it looks great! We also found a website that sells the string for blinds and they even have the same color, so we should be able to save quite a bit on these. Yay!

Today’s adventure allows me to put my clothing back in the closet in the playroom. This means I have to remove the rest of the books in there, which isn’t too many, in order to basically have the closet empty except for my clothing. I also have some domestic chores to tend to.

Now to just make it through the boring part of my day. 

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