Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Kicking Ass and Taking Names


I have been on such a roll I forgot to write about it!

Yesterday I swear I was on fire. I got up my normal time at 4 and was rocking life until 9 when I went to sleep. It was report day, which is normally my time to shine at work, but I am telling you, I was even shinier. I had everything done before the boss even walked in the door. It did leave me pretty much zoned out in front of Excel all morning, but well worth it in the long run.

I got home and was so energized from my outstanding day I was in turbo mode. I cleaned the crap out of the kitchen and worked on laundry a little bit. Ken and the boys arrived to find me just finishing the kitchen and I set them all to work. The boys did not appreciate my sarcastic humor. I took them into their bedroom and proceeded to tell them about this new technology that was attached to their bed. I explained that with the cool little pegs, you could balance fabric on them in such a way as to keep them off the floor. I told them it could be used with robes and towels. Bobby looked at me and then shook his head. Dax said, “We know this mom!” I responded, “Oh, I assumed you didn’t based on the pile of robes and towels under it.” Yeah, I win.

We did some of this housework and then I set to work on reconciling some AYSO stuff for month end. It wasn’t too bad seeing as I apparently had already worked on some of it recently. I am considering adding an Excel sheet to everything, so I may work on that today.

At around 3, we set out on our bikes to the post office and then to the grocery store. I also was able to make my deposit for a registration check along with picking up the statements for the meeting next week. We also found another crate behind Ralph’s which is good since we need more for packing books.
At home, we ate dinner and I prepped for my meeting on the phone that was scheduled for 7:30. I was also able to finish the book I had been reading while waiting for this. The meeting, which was only supposed to be 30 minutes, went for an hour. Luckily, it was mostly good stuff and I now have a bunch of things to create for the new fiscal year.

I crawled into bed and felt like I had truly had a productive day. This made me happy. I hate it when I feel like I accomplished nothing.

I have to now just make it through today since I have 4 days off from work ahead of me. Tomorrow morning we are going to load more crap into the POD, and I am hoping to persuade Ken to help me bring down some boxes in the garage so that I can go through things on Friday. Thankfully it looks to be cooler in temperature today and tomorrow, so this will not be as exhausting.

I discovered that Torrance Library added an e-book section and I was able to download my first borrowed e-book this morning. They don’t have as wide of a selection as I had hoped, but I know that they only just started. I am hoping to stop purchasing so many books and instead borrow them. I am ok with owning some books, but at the rate I was going I would need to gut the current house and just make it into my own private library. Thinking about this makes me want to win the lottery so I can buy the houses next to the new place and make them into this fantasy library.

I am surprisingly awake this morning. I was pissed when I awoke since I was in the midst of a very intense dream. I know that I had made some kind of random deal with this convict, who happened to be played by the one guy in Breaking Bad. He had just paid me and I was heading back to my family and he to his girlfriend, who ended up yelling at me, which I didn’t care for. He stood up for me, which was strange based on our backstory (which I know was complex, but I can’t remember it all). We ended up killing her with poisonous snakes and I know I now had an infant puppy I was going to have to bottle feed. Like I said, I was not ready to wake up.

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