Friday, July 19, 2013

is today the day?


Have I mentioned I hate waiting?

When the news organizations report the occurrence of a loud, exuberant cheer that was phoned in as being heard as far away as Bakersfield just know it is just me having heard news that we finally closed Escrow. Until that time, all is quiet in Torrance.

I packed 3 boxes yesterday. I took out a bunch of yard sale items to the pile. I also pulled off a panel from the living room wall to see what we were dealing with. Yeah, not good stuff. The part I pulled off was the “good” area. Yie. Based on that, we are pretty sure the answer is new panels. We found some actually quite nice ones at Lowe’s and they are white which will brighten the whole room. It will be a good thing, and probably easier in the long run.

We have registration tomorrow at the boys’ new school. I am not looking forward to the registration angle since even though it is mostly a well-oiled machine, it still is tiring. It will be especially frustrating if close happens today. I can assure you I don’t really want to be logging checks when I could be working on my home. I think I need to recruit an assistant treasurer.

There are still mice in our house. We used one of the live traps and caught a hopper yesterday. My oranges are all quite the mousers. I had all three of them stalking the cupboards. Sadly, they also managed to free the one we caught who was in a tank. That being said, I think another one was caught this morning. Hell, it was probably the same one.

Ken has given me permission to go pick up the keys after work if it so happens to work out that way. I have a sad feeling that we will end up finding out that it funded today which actually means it won’t close until Monday. Bleah. 

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