Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Light at the end of the Tunnel


I see the finish line. Hopefully it isn’t just the fatigue talking.

The paperwork was discussed at great length with the loan company and Papa Brenan yesterday and agreed on. Said paperwork should be to him by Friday for signature. I am hoping this means we are almost done, at least with this part. Really, the construction and the work to get both residences in shape looks like a walk in the park compared with this process. My grand plan at this point is to host Thanksgiving. That gives me 5 months. I think we can do it.

I was shockingly lazy yesterday afternoon. I just didn’t feel like doing anything. I watched The Truman Show and some episodes of Scrubs while I got my paperwork in order for the board meeting. Katie also showed up before Ken and the boys so she and I visited for a while, which was very nice. There is something rather depressing, though, that I only saw my kids for maybe 15 minutes yesterday.

The meeting was shockingly fun. My arch nemesis stepped down from her post, which is funny since she has been less annoying to me of late. It would figure, right? I have become the boss’ left hand man. I don’t know all the ins and outs of the region, but I am his comic relief at these meetings and I get to keep him on task with many things. It is a little surreal to be so important to the region.

I am considering taking the ref training. I figure I don’t have to do too much reffing if I don’t want to, but it allows me to do sidelines if need be, and this is an extra way to have some exercise. Plus, both the boys will need points for their teams to advance and reffing is the way to do that.

Maryann has been out of the office the past two days. She fractured her ankle, which was already weakened from a previous fall last year. This has been a pain in a lot of ways, but in others it has allowed me to be busy with new accounts while she is out. I like getting new people to yell at since the people who hear me yell now have already heard it all. LOL!

That being said, I am glad the boss took today off. He spent the last couple days fretting not only about his normal stuff, but also the condition of Maryann’s accounts since I was covering for her. As if that wasn’t too much already, he about short circuited when he had to come up with my yearly goals. He couldn’t find anything in my portfolio for me to improve on since my numbers are so damn good. Yeah, I kind of rock.

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