Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I am sure this will offend...


I hate waiting.

I didn’t do nearly as much yesterday in terms of housework. Sure, I cleaned the kitchen and did all the laundry in the house along with moving my clothing back into the playroom, but it didn’t seem as impressive as Monday’s activities. I felt off and on crampy and ill. It seems that my upcoming period will most likely be a doozy.

I had a dream in which Dax impersonated a professor at a college class. He was so good that no one noticed. Of course, said school also had a teacher who looked like Chris Kataan in a belly-baring tied up button shirt, so the school may have been just a little more liberal.

Ok, I am way ok with people who believe in a god and for the most part as long as they don’t preach at me, I am cool. So here is my observation; I get emails from customers/coworkers constantly in which their signature indicates hopes for a blessed day. Obviously “blessed” could just mean hopes for a nice day, but we all know that the inference is that of a spiritual nature. Is it appropriate to have said phrasing on a work correspondence? I am not saying they should not, I am just putting it out there as a question. If I were to say use a phrase from some lesser known religion or even something more devil based, would that be ok? 
Probably not. I suppose if the wishes were meant to be good, that is ok, but then again with people being so touchy these days about things, wouldn’t it just be safer to say Have a Good Day? I don’t know that there is a right answer, I was just putting it out there as a question.

Just because a jury found Zimmerman not guilty doesn’t mean they are racist. People are throwing around the term “racist” much to loosely these days. The incident may have been from racial profiling, but we can’t say this is a bad thing. We all profile. We profile based on race, age, sex, sexual orientation, hell even just the shoes people wear. I am one of the lone white women at my office. My boss is an old and stupid white man. Most of the colleagues in my department are black women. One of them, who is my friend, has done what would be considered stereotypical “black” things. She loved BET and she actually “aks” me questions. No joke. Jet I know she is quite bright and conscience about her job.

Yes, there are people who discriminate. Yes, there are complete and utter assholes out there. There are people who have not figured out that times have changed. My dad for example has still used the phrase “nig” when describing a black person. He doesn’t mean ill with it. He grew up in a time when let’s face it, it was a standard phrase. My dad bowls with one of his friends who is black. This man is a sweetheart, but thinks all doctors are out to get him. He won’t go to a doctor. He has decided that if you are a doctor you are evil. He also thinks gay people are evil. This coming from a black man who is married to a white woman. Yep, that is for reals. So who is the bad guy here? My dad, who uses an old fashioned phrase in his home, often times to just see if he can get me annoyed, or Freddie, the black guy who hates doctors and gays and will not associate with them? Do you see the problem here? Both are ok guys. The same goes for Paula Deen. Look, I don’t give two fucks about her in general, but I think the outrage over her is out of control.

I don’t think the guys in my shop should be allowed to only speak Spanish in there. I think that no signs in America should be in anything but English. This being said, I have spent time teaching my kids Spanish words I know and have contemplated taking a Spanish class with them. I work with lots of Hispanic people, too, and don’t find them any more or less offense than the next person. I get annoyed at certain things they do, sure, but overall, I try to look at the person, not just their stereotypical actions.

Back to what brought this on; Zimmerman is an asshole. That being said, he was an asshole doing what he thought was right in terms of protecting his neighborhood. He took it too far. He followed a guy when he should not have. Have I done this before? I sure have. I followed a little Asian guy who goes on properties in my neighborhood and takes cans out of our recycling bins. I have called the cops on him, and have had them tell me to stop following him, yet I continued to. I didn’t care that the guy was Asian. I cared that he was doing wrong. I think Zimmerman took Martin’s actions to be up to no good, and it sounds like neither party was smart in how they handled it.

The protests are screaming about this racial crime. Did anyone bother to just yell about it being a crime, and also yell about the real issues? Is it ok to carry a loaded gun in Florida? Are the prosecuting attorneys so stupid to think that second degree murder charges are really what they should have been pursuing? And ultimately, hey people, just because one kid got shot by a guy who had a cop complex doesn’t mean that EVERY black kid in America will be shot, nor does it mean that the person who shot them will be walking free.

I know I will annoy folks with this post. I had been holding off saying anything, but honestly, the crazy protests that have ended in 13 people being arrested in LA make me angry. I am all for people protesting. Hell, it is one of those awesome freedoms I will say America allows that make me kind of patriotic. That being said, don’t be a fucktard when it comes to your protests. Acting like a fool doesn’t make your case. It makes the case that perhaps we shouldn’t be listening to you. 

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