Tuesday, October 23, 2012

the bird


The raffle tickets have been purchased and are now sitting in the bins hoping that they will be drawn on Friday so the boys win something.

I am really only hoping for one of the prizes, which is 4 passes to Disneyland. That sounds like the only fantastic one, especially since if we really wanted to, we could even probably use these tickets towards the cost of season passes again.

The prize I know Dax is coveting is this giant stuffed animal which is in the shape of a Luna dog in a super hero costume. As much as it would be a silly prize to get in our already jam packed house, I would love to see his face if he did win that.

I was feeling all cocky about Bobby’s homework this week knowing that we should be a full day ahead having done what is normally one day’s worth on Sunday. Sadly, she actually put in more worksheets this week so it meant that we were ahead in some ways, but we would be hurting had we not done work over the weekend. It means really the only way to keep up with homework is making kids do work on the weekend, which is not right at this age.

I love that it was freezing last night. I slept fantastic and I was very sad when the alarm went off.

I discovered that the pain in my arm prevents me from flipping someone off with that hand. Yes, that motion hurts. Epic Fail indeed.

I am nervous. It seems that multiple people I know have hand foot mouth disease. I wonder if it is going around. I really don’t want the boys to have to deal with this. I am already sad that the kids I do know, one being my poor Sabrina, have to deal. I am going to ask the doc when I go on Thursday if he has heard anything.

I wonder if I can ride my bike in my boots.

I hope it is cold tonight. Soccer practice when it is cold is much nicer.

I am worried Dax is getting sick. He looked pretty tired last night, and he didn’t have much of an appetite, even turning down pumpkin bread, which is something he loves.

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